CARTON: The millionth carton packed at Marble Hall with the support of ( from left back row ) Frans Vorsatz, Farm Manager, Norman Chimbudu, Foreman, Christo Viljoen, Orchard Manager, Pieter Lottering, Pack House Manager, and kneeling, Pyben Ncube Foreman with Zivaishe Takarashika, Truck Loader.
Marble Hall has set a new SAFE record for citrus by packing more than a million cartons this season.
“It’s an amazing achievement,” said Dries Van Rooyen, SAFE’s general manager of farming operations.” It’s a massive credit to farm manager Frans Vorsatz and his team”.
According to Dries production at Marble Hall, near Pretoria, increased to more than 1million cartons from just over 500 000 cartons harvested last season.
“SAFE took over full control of the farm a year and a half ago. This meant that we could bring SAFE management, planting, fertilising and harvesting processes to the farm. And that combined with hard work by the manager and staff has lead to this great record.”
As early as June this year Frans was confident of a good crop. “This was due in part to plentiful water and no hail .We also changed our spraying programme at the start of the growing season.”
Marble Hall is a 472 ha farm about 150 km from Pretoria, and is mainly planted to citrus, but also has about 200 ha planted with cash crops, such as sugar beans and broad beans.
The farm employs 100 full time staff, and also takes on temporary staff, from the nearby towns, to work in the packhouse during the harvest.